How to start a loyalty rewards program for your customers

Loyalty points are a must have to keep your customers loyal to your brand, it is more important when you’re small or medium business. Loyalty points, rewards program or loyalty discount is the best way to encourage customers to refer more clients to your business and thereby earn their loyalty.

Pegke Loyalty is the easiest way to create a reward point system.

How can I send the points?

There are countless possibilities, all it matters is how you value the possibilities and how much points you can afford to give. We have various types of integration, specifically;

  1. Printed Points
  2. Web dashboard
  3. API integration.

1. Sign up to Pegke Loyalty

You can sign up to Pegke Loyalty giving your phone number, email and physical address of your business.

You will get ₹1000.00 to start with all the features included.

2. Create redeemable Items.

Redeemable items are something that your customer can redeem when he have enough points. You can define the number of points required to redeem this particular item. You can add an image, also you can specify a time period where this item is available for redemption.

redeemable items

3. Give points

Yes, you can give points from now on, all you need is your customers phone number.

Give Loyalty points

4. Track, Analyze, Improve

You can see the complete activity in Pegke Dashboard and you can plan for your next big offer according to the data insights captured and tailored for you. Pegke Dashboard

Earned Points

5. Whats next?

You can run loyalty campaigns to attract more customers and increase sales. Stay put for the next update.
